Kosovo’s Twelve Years of Independence From: Altin Gjeta 17-02-2020 at 19:20 On this day 12 years ago the representatives of the people of Kosovo in the Assembly declared Kosovo an independent state, in coordination with its international supporters, namely the US, UK and some of the biggest EU member states. The declaration of independence came after the two-year final status settlement talks between Serbia and Kosovo, under the mediation of the international community, failed. This led the UN special envoy Marti Ahtisaari to unveil his Final Status Settlement Proposal, the so-called Ahtisaari Plan, which proposed that supervised independence was the only viable solution for Kosovo. The Ahtisaari Plan outlined a state-building blueprint for Kosovo. It conceptualized Kosovo as a multi-ethnic polity which will be governed democratically and with full respect for the rule of law through its legislative, executive and judicial institutions. Since then Kosovo has m...